小編: 36
劍橋雅思3 test3的柱狀圖
劍橋雅思4 test3的柱狀圖(題目在78頁,范文在我人人網公共主頁的日志里)
劍橋雅思7 test4 的餅狀圖(題目在101頁,范文在168頁)
劍橋雅思8 test2 的餅狀圖 (題目在53頁,范文在164頁)
劍橋雅思8 test4 的曲線圖 (題目在101頁,范文在168頁)
發(fā)明一種新語言用于國際交流的利弊LB;有人認為所有學生都該學外語,其他人則認為沒天賦的可以不學DG;語言消失的原因和解決方案RS;機器翻譯已經很發(fā)達了,孩子們沒必要再學外語了AD; 學習一門語言,還應該學習該國的文化和生活方式AD; 有人認為孩子應該從小學而不是中學開始學外語AD;
有人認為博物館為了娛樂,其他人則認為博物館為了教育DG; 圖書館沒有存在必要因為電腦科技可以取代它的功能AD; 博物館應該獲取國家的資助AD;
有人認為移民應該接受新國家的文化,其他人則認為移民要保持自己的文化DG;國家間日益增長的商業(yè)和文化交流的利弊/國際關系或合作日益緊密的利弊LB; 有人認為作為拜訪者應該學習模仿東道國的習俗和行為方式,其他人則認為東道國應該包容文化差異; 多文化和多民族國家的優(yōu)勢和問題LB;
建筑應該注重使用功能,而不是外表AD;城市規(guī)劃者將人們居住,購物,工作的地方分離開來的利弊; 有人認為應該把所有建筑設計成傳統(tǒng)樣式以保護文化的特性;
學商科、文科和藝術的學生不該從政府獲得資助AD; 大學應該給窮學生更多進大學學習的機會AD;有人認為大學生應該支付自己上大學的全部費用AD; 如今年輕人面臨很多問題,有哪些問題?該如何解決BT; 在失業(yè)率高的國家不應該向沒希望找到工作的人提供中學教育AD; 私利中學對于學生和社會的利弊LB; 鄭仁強原創(chuàng),轉載請注明出處
高中畢業(yè)后先去工作或旅行一段時間的利弊LB; 出國讀大學的利弊LB; 年輕人到社區(qū)做義工的利弊LB; 學生存在行為問題的原因和建議RS; 孩子們以消極態(tài)度從學校畢業(yè)的原因和解決方案RS; 人際關系日漸淡漠的原因和影響RE
懲罰對于孩子教育的利弊LB;嚴格管教孩子的利弊LB; 孩子從小就要辛苦學習并承受壓力的利弊LB;窮人家庭的孩子比富人家庭的孩子能更好地面對成年后的生活AD;鼓勵學生批評老師的利弊LB;
學校應該教孩子如何競爭而不是合作AD; 有人提倡在家通過遠程教育學習,有人則支持去學校和老師一起學習DG;讀書比看電視更能培養(yǎng)想象力和語言能力AD;有人認為不同能力的孩子應該放在一起教,其他人則認為特別優(yōu)秀的孩子應該單獨教DG;孩子應該在家和父母住而不是住在學校AD; 現(xiàn)代游戲比傳統(tǒng)游戲更能培養(yǎng)孩子的各方面能力AD; 死記硬背教育模式的利弊LB; 有人認為家庭對孩子的影響很大,其他人則認為家以外的因素(如老師,同齡人等)影響更大DG; 計算機/電視機/互聯(lián)網對孩子成長的利弊LB; 隨著電腦科技用于教育,老師的作用不再重要AD; 有人認為的孩子的成長由天性決定,其他人則認為后天培養(yǎng)更重要DG; 有人認為學校應該只教文化課(academic subjects), 像藝術和體育這樣的科目就沒用AD; 有人認為學生應該小組學習,其他人則支持獨自學習DG; 大學應該走自己的路,不必去在意用人單位需要什么AD; 有人認為應該把國際新聞納入學校課程,其他人覺得這是浪費時間DG; 出國留學的利弊LB;
有人認為老師只教知識就行了,其他人則認為老師還應該教學生如何明辨是非和如何為人處世DG; 所有父母都應該參加育兒培訓課程AD; 住宿學校日益普及的原因和利弊R.LB;
太空探索的利弊LB; 科技發(fā)展對于農業(yè)生產和食品質量的利弊LB; 廣泛使用機器的利弊;科技發(fā)展使工作,上學,購物等在家就可以完成的利弊LB; 任何時間和地點都能打電話的利弊LB; 科技發(fā)展改變了人們的娛樂方式,使人變得缺乏創(chuàng)造力AD; 早期科技的影響比最新科技的影響大AD; 有人認為科技發(fā)展拉大了貧富差距AD; 飛機(互聯(lián)網等)是最偉大的發(fā)明AD; 科學研究應由政府實施控制,而不是私人公司AD;科學家沒有能解決他們所制造的問題AD;
將動物用于科學實驗的利弊LB; 丟棄型社會的利弊LB; 花錢去保護動物(環(huán)境)是在浪費資源AD; 環(huán)境問題只能通過國際合作來解決,個人、企業(yè)和單個國家都無能為力AD; 有人認為宰殺動物以獲取食物殘忍且沒必要,其他人則認為這對類的膳食和健康是必要的DG;提高燃料價格是解決環(huán)境問題的最好辦法AD; 有人認為推動科技發(fā)展有利于解決環(huán)境問題,其他人則認為更簡單的生活方式能保護環(huán)境DG;消費品日益便宜的利弊; 動物園存在的利弊LB; 丟棄型社會的產生原因和解決方案RS;水資源缺乏的原因和建議RS; 人們很少采取行動去保護環(huán)境/動植物的原因和解決方案RS;垃圾日益增多的原因和解決方案RS轉載請注明
有人認為國家成功的標準是繁榮的經濟,其他人則認為是人民的生活水平DG; 有人認為國家應該花錢去造武器以加強國防,其他人則認為國家應該用這些錢去幫助弱勢群體DG; 有人認為國家應該花錢去修建文化和體育項目,其他人則認為應該把錢花在基礎設施(教育醫(yī)療)上DG; 政府應該花錢去預防疾病而不是治療疾病AD; 有人認為政府應該為教育醫(yī)療(修路、治理污染、住房短缺、科研、退休保障)埋單,其他人則認為私人公司(個人)應該承擔責任DG; 有人認為應該派新老師醫(yī)生去農村地區(qū),其他人則認為人們想去哪就去哪DG;有人認為政府應該確保公民的健康生活方式,其他人認為人們有權利選擇自己喜歡的生活方式DG; 人們不應該交稅AD; 人們應該尊重法制,不能為所欲為AD; 應該給予藝術家表述觀點的自由,政府不該做任何限制AD; 社會越來越需要職業(yè)女性的貢獻,因此政府應該提供人力物力來照顧她們的孩子AD; 有人認為吸煙是人的自由,其他人則認為吸煙是非法的應該予以禁止DG; 有人認為公民應該向政府交稅AD;
有人認為應該制定法律來約束工人的上班時間AD; 有人支持始終在一家公司干同樣的工作,其他人則支持頻繁的更換工作DG; 人們開始干多個工作的原因和應對未來就業(yè)形勢的建議RS;出國工作的利弊LB; 臨時工作的利弊LB; 有人認為年輕人不適合擔任政府的重要職位AD; 年輕人失業(yè)的原因和解決方案RS; 有人認為為了給年輕人更多機會,應該鼓勵人們早點退休AD; 有人喜歡自己創(chuàng)業(yè)(self-employed), 有人則喜歡去給別人打工DG; 科技讓老板而不是員工收益AD; 工作滿足感的因素有哪些,是否能指望所有人都能實現(xiàn)工作滿足感(job satisfaction)BT; 如今很多雇主在招聘員工的時候把學歷看的比生活閱歷和個人品質更重要,為什么,好事還是壞事R.LB; 有人認為年輕人應該上大學,其他人則認為他們應該去做汽車修理工或建筑工一類的工作來滿足社會需求DG;
電視對家庭生活的利弊LB;國際媒體(如電視,報紙,雜志,電影)對當地文化的利弊LB;應該禁止所有形式的廣告AD; 有人認為書的時代已經結束,書寫文字對于信息傳播和教育不再有必要;有人認為某種商品的熱賣反映了廣告的威力而不是社會的真正需求AD; 有人認為廣告讓人們喪失個性,使我們成為廣告想讓我們成為的樣子AD;媒體對人們的觀念和生活影響日益加大,分析下利弊LB; 電視上災難和暴力畫面越來越多的原因和影響RE;
鼓勵城市居民、商業(yè)工業(yè)轉移到小城鎮(zhèn)去的利弊LB;交通通訊的快捷與發(fā)展對于個人和社會的利弊LB; 全球化的原因和后果RE; 城市快速發(fā)展帶來的問題和解決方案RS;貧富差距日益拉大的原因和解決方案RS; 城鄉(xiāng)差距日益拉大的原因和解決方案RS; 國家間的差異日益變小,如各國人們如今都傾向于看一樣的電視,聽一樣的音樂,喜歡同樣的品牌等,分析利弊LB; 國家間良好的關系變得日益重要AD;
小孩犯罪,父母應該承擔責任AD; 媒體不該把犯罪的細節(jié)公之于眾AD; 有人認為犯罪是不能夠被預防的AD; 有人認為應該讓罪犯去坐牢,其他人則認為應該讓他們中有才能的去勞動(或給予他們教育和工作培訓)DG; 年輕女性/青少年犯罪增長的原因和解決方案RS;有人認為監(jiān)獄的作用就是懲罰犯罪,其他人則認為監(jiān)獄還有其他的功能DG; 罪犯出獄后繼續(xù)犯罪的原因和解決方案RS;
將貨物運送到遙遠其他國家去的利弊LB; 飛機旅行/使用汽車的利弊LB; 公園等公共娛樂設施應該給公路和鐵路的建設讓路AD; 改善道路安全的唯一方式就是對交通違規(guī)行為處以更嚴厲的懲罰AD; N
私營醫(yī)療服務的利弊LB; 快餐的利弊;公共健康日益惡化的原因和解決方案RS; 有人認為改善公共健康的最好辦法是增加公共體育設施的數量,其他人則認為應該采取其他措施;人們壽命變長的原因和利弊R.LB; 有人認為通過教育可以使人少吃些垃圾食品,其他人則認為教育不管用的DG;
有人認為慈善組織應該幫助世界上最需要幫助的人,其他人則認為他們只該幫自己國家的人DG; 有人喜歡直接給需要幫助的當地社區(qū)提供援助,有人則喜歡通過慈善組織轉交他們的援助DG; 有人認為應該給發(fā)展中國家提供經濟援助,其他人則覺得免費教育醫(yī)療或引進新科技更好DG; 有人認為發(fā)達國家應該給發(fā)展中國家提供國際援助,其他人則認為這些援助會被發(fā)展中國家政府濫用DG;
國際給不同文化的人們帶來的是緊張而不是理解AD; 國際旅游使人們心胸狹窄的原因和解決方案RS;有人認為利用文化傳統(tǒng)搞旅游業(yè)賺錢會使其破壞,其他人則認為這是使之得以存留的唯一辦法DG; 發(fā)展中國家大力發(fā)展旅游業(yè)的原因和利弊R.LB;
像世界杯這樣的國際體育賽事能夠緩解國家間的緊張關系AD; 有人認為代表一個國家的運動員和體育團體應該得到該國政府的資助,其他人則認為應由私人公司來資助DG; 有人認為個人或團體的實力決定了其參加體育賽事是否能成功,其他人則認為體育賽事取得=成功取決于精神態(tài)度DG;
有人認為人不可能不說謊,有時人不得不撒謊AD; 幸福的定義和實現(xiàn)因素;人們壓力與日俱增的原因和解決方案RS; 明天是最重要的,有人認為個人和國家都該放眼未來而不是拘泥于眼前AD; 時尚成為人們挑選衣服的標準,分析原因和利弊R.LB; 政治家對世界的影響比科學家要大AD;
在過去50年里,年輕人取得了老人們失去的地位和權力,這是好事還是壞事LB; 老年人口比例日益增長的利弊LB; 有人認為老人住在養(yǎng)老院比住在家里要好AD; 人們對老人缺乏尊重的原因和導致的影響RE; 女人管理國家和世界的利弊; 15歲以下青少年人口比例日益增長的利弊;有人認為因為年齡或性別而拒絕招聘錄用一個人是非法的AD;女人應該具備在入學,求職,參軍等方面和男人一樣的權利和機會AD;男女同校學習的利弊LB;
強哥2012年1月雅思寫作預測精選 ?非牛人專用
1.Many parents use punishment to teach the difference between right and wrong to their children. Many think punishment is necessary to help children learn the distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What kind of punishment do you think parents and teachers can use?
2.Some people think immigrants should accept the new culture as their own. Others believe that they should keep their own culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
3.People can go to shop, bank, and work with computer. But the danger is that people are getting isolated and losing some social skills. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
4.Some people say that the best measurement of a country’s success is the quality of life people enjoy. Others argue that a prosperous economy is the key factor in a country’s success. Which opinion do you prefer?
5.Architects should worry about designing building as works of art. Do you agree or disagree?
6.Some people believe that in order to improve the public health the number of sports facilities should be increased. Others believe this it has little effect and other measures are needed to improve the public health. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
7.Some people think students can benefit from private secondary schools. Others believe they have negative effects on the society as a whole. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
8.There are more and more cars in the cities. Pedestrians and cyclists are endangered by the traffic. What’s more, gardens and parks give way to railways and superhighways. What is your opinion? How do city planners satisfy all people’s needs?
9.Some people believe that some unpaid community serivice should be a compulsory part of high school programme. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
10.Children who are brought up in families which do not have a great amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?
11.It is said that today people's lives are becoming increasingly stressful. What are the reasons of stress and how to solve the problem?
12.Some people think that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Others think that students of different abilities should be taught together. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
13.Telling truth all the time is not essential. On some occasions you have to tell lies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?鄭仁強原創(chuàng),轉載請注明出處
14.Modern games are better for developing a wide range of skills for children than traditional games. Do you agree or disagree?
15.Rote learning is widely used in many education systems. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?
16.Most countries spend a large amount of money on weapons to defend themselves, even though they are not at war. Those countries should spend that money to help their citizens who are poor and disadvantaged. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
17.Since cities have changed a lot, the size of the cities has grown enormously. Discuss the causes and consequences of the enormous size of cities.
18.It is better for older people to live in the nursing home than stay with their children at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
19.Some people think that the earlier technology has changed our life more than the recent technology. Do you agree or disagree?
20. Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people. Others think it is having an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
21.Creative artists should always be given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no government restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
22.Some people think that it is a moral obligation for developed countries to provide international aid to developing countries, while others worry that the aid might possibly be misused by the government of the poor countries and could not actually help the poor people to improve their living standard. What is your opinion?
23.Some criminals continue to commit crimes after being released from prison. What are the causes? Give some solutions.
24.A newspaper article reports that a boy who seriously damaged his school was made to clean the streets as a punishment. Do you think that young offenders should be sent to jail or should be punished in this way?
25.Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyles in order to prevent illnesses than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
26.Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to give road offences stricter punishment. Do you agree or disagree?
27.Motorised flight is the greatest invention in the modern world. No other invention has had a more significant impact on ou lives. Do you agree or disagree?
28.Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to the new generation, companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree?
29.Differences between countries are becoming less evident nowadays. People tend to have the same films, music, brands, TV channels, etc. To what extent do you think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
30.Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe that it is the only way to help traditions to remain in the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
31.There is a shortage of water resources everywhere. Analyze the reasons and give some solutions.
32.Some people think smoking should be made illegal in the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
33.Some people prefer to provide help or support directly to the local community. Others prefer to give money to national or international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
34.Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think the human nature produces crimes? And how can we prevent children from growing up to be criminals?
35.Some people say the age of books is past, and the information will be presented by some multimedia such as video, computer and television; others think the book and the written words will be necessary for spreading information and complete education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.