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來源:環(huán)球教育網(wǎng) www.ielts.com.cn 2005-6-10


    With our entrance to 21st century, there rises the controversy of whether our future would turn to the bright one. Many people claim that 21st century would be taken into a positive way through scientific and technological advance while a great number of pessimists argue that our future is threat123d by lots of ongoing disasters. As for me, I prefer a balanced view that there will be crisis and opportunities.

    On one hand, we have reasons to be optimistic. For one thing, the development of information technology will make it possible to for all the people in the world to communicate with each other easily. Take the internet as an example. A simple click on the mouse could lead you to every place and person all over the world. For another, as the medical treatment develops, it could be expected that there will be cure for such deadly diseases as cancer and AIDS and that human beings would be able to enjoy a long life expectancy. Moreover, with the ongoing mechanization, an increasing amount of dangerous and heavy-labor work would tend to be taken by the robot. In this case, man can work in more safe and comfortable conditions, as well as enjoy more leisure time.

    On the other hand, it can be foreseen that there may be crises in the future. First, people will run high risk of psychological problems for dealing with computers in long-term is likely to cause the loneliness and infantile autism. Consequently the rate of suicide would experience a sharp rise. Besides, there is possibility that the robot would take over the earth, enslaving our mankind who is originally its creator. Furthermore, it is not impossible that a global nuclear war would break out. As a result, none of all creatures on the earth can escape this disaster so that from then on the civil history comes to an end.

    From the discussion above, it can be concluded that we would confront both opportunities and crises. The advanced science and technology could obtain merit and drawback. So what I hope to see in the future is that we can enjoy healthier and longer life and that more and more science and technology will be employed in the peaceful way.

    古景文 雅思考后經(jīng)驗總結

    總的來說, 吳建業(yè)老師的個性八股文非常有用. 按照吳老師的方法, 我在考前一個月就開始看綠皮書上的觀點, 并用本子記錄幾個我覺得我合用的觀點, 以便最后階段易于復習. 在考前兩周, 我在仔細研究環(huán)球課本, 課堂筆記和綠皮書上的例文, 例句后, 建了四個圖標作文的模板和三個大作的模板(這里偷懶了, 吳老師是叫建四個的). 之后, 在平時看文章(主要是在21st century)時, 注意學習些套句, 然后換到模板中. 在考前一天, 我自己限時練習了一次, 主要是為了計時, 以模擬一下正式考試時的時間安排. 我有意限定自己必須在55分鐘內完成, 因為考慮到在真實考場的情況, 在壓力下, 思維和反應會沒練習時快. 

    在雅思考試時, 也沒多想, 其實也沒時間多想. 我就嚴格按照模板來寫. 完成第一篇圖表作文, 用超了幾分鐘, 那時挺緊張的. 幸好大作平時花的時間多, 觀點也熟, 寫下來都很暢順. 我記得很清楚, 在考官宣布還有兩分鐘時, 我就快寫完最后一句話了. 總的老說, 觀點熟和嚴格按照模板寫作幫了我大忙. 我認為熟讀吳老師的綠皮書和按照吳老師要求建好模板是非常有用的, 可以說是救命稻草. 如果大家有什么具體的問題, 可以去請教吳老師, 我從和他幾次的聊天中, 得到了不少啟發(fā). 所以大家有空, 例如在下課或補習放學后, 去找吳老師談談, 肯定會獲益費淺的.

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