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2005-2-2 來(lái)源: 環(huán)球教育論壇

forensic medicine 法醫(yī)學(xué)
doctor, physician 醫(yī)生,醫(yī)師,內(nèi)科醫(yī)師
family doctor 家庭醫(yī)生
pediatrician, pediatrist 兒科醫(yī)師
gynecologist 婦科醫(yī)師
tocologist, obstetrician 產(chǎn)科醫(yī)師
neurologist 神經(jīng)專家
psychiatrist 精神病學(xué)專家
ophthalmologist, oculist 眼科專家
dentist, odontologist 牙醫(yī)師
surgeon 外科醫(yī)師
anesthetist, anaesthetist 麻醉師
nurse 護(hù)士
hospital 醫(yī)院
clinic 診所
sanatorium 療養(yǎng)院
health 健康
healthy (個(gè)人)健康
wholesome 合乎衛(wèi)生的,有益于健康的
hygiene 衛(wèi)生
to get vaccinated 接種
sick person, patient 病員,患者
to be sick, to be ill 患病
sickly 多病
ailment, complaint 疾病
pain 疼,痛
indisposition, slight illness 不適
unwell, indisposed 不適的
affection, disease 疾病
ulcer 潰瘍
wound 創(chuàng)傷,傷口
lesion 損害
injury 損傷
rash, eruption 疹
spot 點(diǎn),斑
pimple 丘疹,小瘡
blackhead 黑頭粉刺
blister 水皰
furuncle 癤
scab, boil 痂
scar 癜痕
wart 疣,肉贅
callus, callosity 胼胝
corn 雞眼
chilblain 凍瘡
bruise 挫傷
ecchymosis 瘀癍
bump 腫
swelling 腫脹
contusion 挫傷
sprain, twist 扭傷
fracture 骨折
symptom 癥狀
diagnosis 診斷
case 病例
incubation 潛伏
epidemic 流行病
contagion 傳染
fever 發(fā)熱
attack, access, fit 發(fā)作
coughing fit 咳嗽發(fā)作
to take to one's bed 臥床
to sneeze 打噴嚏
faint, fainting fit 暈厥
vertigo, dizziness 眩暈
to feel sick 惡心
to lose consciousness 失去知覺(jué)
concussion 震蕩
coma 昏迷
diet 飲食
treatment 療法
to get better, to improve 好轉(zhuǎn)
cure 治愈
relapse 復(fù)發(fā)
anemia, anaemia 貧血
angina pectoris 心絞痛
appendicitis 闌尾炎
arthritis 關(guān)節(jié)炎
bronchitis 支氣管炎
cancer 癌
catarrh 卡他,粘膜炎
chicken pox, varicella 水痘
cholera 霍亂
cold 感冒,傷風(fēng),著涼
(head) cold 患感冒
diabetes 糖尿病
diphtheria 白喉
eczema 濕疹
epilepsy 癲癇
erysipelas 丹毒
gangrene 壞疽
German measles, rubella 風(fēng)疹
gout 痛風(fēng)
headache 頭痛
hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏癱,半身不遂
interus, jaundice 黃疸
indigestion 消化不良
influenza, flu 流感
insanity 精神病
leukemia 白血病
malaria 瘧疾
malnutrition 營(yíng)養(yǎng)不良
Malta fever 馬耳他熱,波狀熱
measles 麻疹
migraine, splitting headache 偏頭痛
miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞
mumps 流行性腮腺炎
neuralgia 神經(jīng)痛
neurasthenia 神經(jīng)衰弱
paralysis 麻痹
peritonitis 腹膜炎
pharyngitis 咽炎
phtisis 癆病,肺結(jié)核
pneumonia 肺炎
poliomyelitis 脊髓灰質(zhì)炎
rabies 狂犬病
rheumatism 風(fēng)濕病
rickets, rachitis 佝僂病
scabies, itch 疥瘡
scarlet fever 猩紅熱
sciatica 坐骨神經(jīng)痛
sclerosis 硬化
septicemia, septicaemia 敗血病
sinusitis 竇炎
smallpox 天花
swamp fever 沼地?zé)?br> syncope 暈厥
syphilis 梅毒
tetanus 破傷風(fēng)
thrombosis 血栓形成
torticollis, stiff neck 斜頸
tuberculosis 結(jié)核病
tumour 瘤 (美作:tumor)
typhus 斑疹傷寒
urticaria, hives 蕁麻疹
whooping cough 百日咳
yellow fever 黃熱病
zona, shingles 帶狀瘡疹
Surgery 外科
anesthesia, anaesthesia 麻醉
blood transfusion 輸血
probing, sounding 探通術(shù)
amputation 切斷術(shù)
tracheotomy 氣管切開(kāi)術(shù)
trepanation 環(huán)鋸術(shù),環(huán)鉆術(shù)
graft, transplant 移植
ligature 結(jié)扎
stitches 縫線
cicatrization 瘢痕形成
operating theatre 手術(shù)室 (美作:operating theater)
instruments 手術(shù)器械
bistoury, scalpel 手術(shù)刀
bandage 繃帶
dressing, bandages 敷料
gauze 紗布
compress 敷布
sticking plaster 橡皮膏,膠布
catgut 腸線
plaster 石膏
sling 懸?guī)?br> plastic surgery 整形手術(shù)
acupuncture 針術(shù)



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