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來源:環(huán)球教育網(wǎng) www.ielts.com.cn 2006-8-4

生活場景 旅行咨詢:

travel agency 旅行社

coach 經(jīng)濟倉
make a reservation 預定

book the ticket 預定票
confirm a reservation 確定定位

cancel one’s reservation 取消定位
first come, first reservation 先到先服務原則

timetable 時刻表
fare 票價

saver ticket 優(yōu)惠票
toll 通行費

airport tax 機場稅
open ticket 開放機票

duty-free shop 免稅店
one-way ticket 單程票

round-trip ticket 往返票
vacant seat 空座

excess change 超重
direct/ non-stop flight 直達航班

connecting-flight 轉(zhuǎn)機
layover/ stopover 中途停留

check in 辦理登記手續(xù)
passport 護照

visa 簽證
credit card 信用證

driving license 駕照
expire (信用卡,護照)過期

destination 目的地
flight number 航班號

take off 起飛
land 降落

motel 汽車旅館
hostel 青年旅館

e.t.d (estimated time of arrival) 預計起飛時間
e.t.a (estimated time of departure) 預計抵達時間


i’d like to book _______.
i’d like to order _______.

i’d like to _____.
what hours are you open _______?

what time do you open/ close _______?

生活場景 飲食場景

restaurant 餐館
dining-hall 餐廳

canteen 食堂
buffet 自助餐

café 小餐館(無酒水)
cafeteria(self-service) 自助餐廳

pub 酒吧
a la carte (按菜單)逐道點菜

regular dinner 套餐
drive-in 路邊餐廳(免下車)

bakery 面包店
pizzeria 比薩餅店

snack bar 小吃店
tavern 客棧

picnic (郊游)野餐
banquet 宴會

feast 盛宴
spread 大餐,酒席

alcohol 酒精飲料

beer 啤酒
beverage 飲料

brandy 白蘭地
cider 蘋果汁,蘋果酒

cock tail 雞尾酒
coffee 咖啡

liquor (烈)酒
mineral water 礦泉水

lager 淡啤酒
lemonade 檸檬汁

soda/ tonic 蘇打水
whisky 威士忌

wine 葡萄酒
aperitif 開胃酒

strong drink 酒的總稱

bacon 熏肉
barbecue 烤肉宴

beef 牛肉
crab 螃蟹

fillet 肉片
fowl 禽肉

grease 動物油脂
ham 后腿

jerry 肉凍
lamb 小羊肉

lard 豬油
lobster 龍蝦

mince 肉末
mutton 羊肉

pork 豬肉
poultry 家禽

roast 烤肉
sausage 香腸

slice 肉的薄片
squid 魷魚

veal 小牛肉
venison 鹿肉

bacon 熏豬肉
tripe 牛肚

trout 鱒魚
halibut 大比目魚

salmon 鮭魚
catfish 鯰魚

carp 鯉魚
haddock 黑紅鱈魚

pike 梭子魚
cod 鱈魚

eel 鰻魚
herring 鯡魚

mackerel 鯖魚
shark 鯊魚

aubergine 茄子

cabbage 包心菜
cauliflower 花椰菜

celery 芹菜
leek 韭菜

lettuce 萵苣,生菜
marmalade 柑橘

mushroom 蘑菇
onion 洋蔥

potato 土豆
spinach 菠菜

tomato 西紅柿
turnip 蘿卜

cucumber 黃瓜
lentil 扁豆

pea 豌豆
radish 小蘿卜

beetroot 甜菜

appetizer 開胃小吃
refreshments 茶點,小吃

dinner 正餐
salad 沙拉

desert 甜點
tea or coffee 茶或咖啡

yogurt 酸奶
wafer 威化餅

vinegar 醋
spice 香料

pepper 辣椒粉,胡椒的
curry 咖喱

condiment (辛辣)調(diào)味料
icing 糖衣

toast 烤面包
syrup 糖汁

sweet 甜食
confectionery 甜食

candy 糖果
toffee 脫脂糖(太妃糖)

soup 湯
consommé 清湯

broth (骨頭)濃湯
leftovers 剩飯,剩菜

skimmed milk 脫脂牛奶
sandwich 三明治

roughage 纖維食品
pudding 布丁

pizza 比薩餅
pie 餡餅

oatmeal 麥片(粥)
milk shake 奶昔

bun 小圓面包
loaf (長條)面包

jam 果醬
marmalade 柑橘果醬

ice-lolly 冰棒
hot dog 熱狗

honey 蜜
hamburger 漢堡包

foodstuff 糧食,食品
flour 面粉

dumpling 餃子
dough (生)面團

diet 日常飲食
staple 主食

cream 油脂,奶油
butter 黃油

margarine 人造奶油
chip/ french fries (炸)薯條

cookie 曲奇餅
biscuit 餅干

cutlery 餐具

ladle 長柄勺
knife 刀

fork **
spoon 勺匙

teaspoon 茶匙

are you ready for order?
may i take your order?

what would you like to _____?
would you like anything _____?

a pizza barber is a hamburger with tomato sauce and cheese.
is made with tomato sauce and cheese.

it ‘s a little spicy.
not too spicy.

very spicy.
it’s very good. you’ll like it very much

生活場景 租房場景

home stay 住在當?shù)鼐用窦抑?
dormitory 大學宿舍

flat 公寓
hostel 青年公寓

landlady 房東太太
landlord 房東

surroundings 環(huán)境
single room 單人間

double room 雙人間
rent 租金


(un)furnished (不)配備家具的
furniture 家具

fitting 裝置,家具
suite (一套)家具

furnish 布置
fit up 裝備

decorate 裝飾,布置
ornament 裝飾,美化

armchair 配齊,裝備
bookcase 書架

cupboard 碗櫥
bureau 寫字臺

bench 長椅
settle 長椅

stool 凳子
deckchair 折疊帆布長椅

high chair 高腳椅
couch 長沙發(fā)

settee 中小型沙發(fā)
divan 木制軟墊長椅

bedstead 床架
hammock 吊床

chest of drawers 五斗櫥
bureau (臥室內(nèi))有抽屜的柜子

sideboard 餐具柜
cabinet 酒柜

facilities 設施

bathroom 衛(wèi)生間
shower 淋浴

kitchen 廚房
air-conditional 有空調(diào)的

heater 加熱器
central heating 中央暖氣系統(tǒng)

refrigerator 電冰箱
microwave oven 微波爐

balcony 陽臺
attic room 頂樓,閣樓

towel 毛巾

mattress 床墊
mat 地席,墊子

blanket 毯子

rug 小地毯
carpet 地毯

quilt 被子
bedspread 床罩

sheet 床單
pillow 枕頭

pillowcase 枕頭套
bolster 長枕套

bed line 被單和枕套
mat 席子

mattress 床墊
curtain 窗簾,簾子

drape 窗簾
drapery 有褶子的布料。窗簾布料

hangings 門簾,帷幕
wallpaper 壁紙,墻紙

canopy 頂棚,天棚
awning (窗/門上的)遮蓬

shutters 百葉窗

utensil 器皿,用具
ashtray 煙灰缸

bedside-lamp 床頭燈
bowl 碗

comb 梳子
french windows 落地燈

kettle 水壺
mirror 鏡子

radiator 取暖電爐
safety-razor 安全剃刀

scale 磅秤
toothbrush 牙刷


what’s the rent?
how much is _______?

how much does ______ cost?
rent costs approximately ______.

the average water bill is _______.
two people need at least ______ for ______.

is there a _______? are there any ______?
dose it have a (any)_______?

how many _______ are there?
when can i _______?

how about monday?
why don’t you come on _____?

can i see _______ this week?

生活場景 看病就醫(yī)

symptoms 病癥

have a cold 感冒
flu 流感

have a cough 咳嗽
have a sore throat 嗓子痛

have a stomachache 胃痛
have a toothache 牙痛

have a fever 發(fā)燒
have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通

pneumonia 肺炎
liver trouble 肝炎

allergy 過敏
feel dizzy 頭暈

stiff 僵硬的
twisted/ sprained 扭傷的

twinge 刺痛
sneeze 打噴嚏

hiccup 打嗝
vomit 嘔吐

sick 惡心
swelling 腫脹

―itis 。。。。的發(fā)炎
bump 腫塊

ulcer 潰瘍
cancer 癌,惡性腫瘤

birthmark 胎記
infect 傳染

cramp 痙攣
paralysis 麻痹,癱瘓,無能力

medication 藥物

pills 藥丸
tablet 藥片

ointment 藥膏
power 藥粉

drop 滴劑
mixture 合劑

syrup 糖漿
pad 藥棉塊

penicillin 盤尼西林(青霉素)
eye drops 眼藥

antibiotic 抗生素
vitamin 維他命(維生素)

aspirin 阿司匹林
non-drowsy 不使人困倦的

first aid 急救

therapy 療法
diagnosis 診斷

soothe 安慰,緩和,安慰
recover 復原,痊愈

recuperate 康復,恢復
see a doctor 看病

send for a doctor 請醫(yī)生
feel one’s pulse 量脈搏

take one’s blood pressure 量血壓
take one’s temperature 量體溫

give a prescription/ prescribe a medicine/ write out a prescription 開藥
make up a prescription 配藥

take medicine/ take pills 吃藥
get an injection/ have an injection/ receive an injection 打針

operation 外科手術
transplant 移植手術

have an operation 動手術
be operated on …for… 開刀

have an inoculation against smallpox 大天花疫苗
dose 給。。。服藥

dress 包扎
bandage 扎上繃帶

have you had any pains in your chest recently?

yes, i have.. in fact i had ______ last week.
have you had a bad cough recently?

yeah, i had a terrible _______ the other day.
have you had the flu recently?

yes, i’ve had many ________ the past few weeks.
have you ever had a broken _______?

yes, i have. i broken my arm once when i was 12.
have you ever had broken your ________?

yes. when i was 12, i fell down and broken my arm.
how often do you ________?

every day.
once in a while.

almost never.

sars-severe acute respiratory syndrome
outbreak n.(疾病的)發(fā)作

early this year, there is massive outbreak in guangdong province.

epidemic n. 疫病流行
china is on top of epidemic.

pharmacy n.藥房
fatality n.死亡人數(shù)

underfunded a.資金不足的
infectious a.有傳染性的,易傳染的

communicable a.可傳染的
segregate v.隔

quarantine n.隔離

facial mask:口罩

sars affected area: sars 疫區(qū)

生活場景 愛好和消遣:

hobby 興趣愛好
taste 嗜好

be interested in/ have a taste for 對。。。有興趣
refined taste 高雅的品位

suit one’s taste 符合某人的嗜好
man of versatile tastes 興趣廣泛的人

stamp collecting 集郵
music appreciation 音樂欣賞

hunting 打獵
baseball 棒球

tennis 網(wǎng)球
soccer 足球

swimming 游泳
horse-race 賽馬

handicraft 手工藝
mahjong 麻將

surfing 沖浪
skiing 滑雪

hitch-hike 免費搭便車旅行
hiking 徒步旅行

bag-packer 背包(自助旅行)者
museum 博物館

art gallery 畫廊
souvenir 紀念品

what kind of ______do you like?

what’s your favorite _________?
do you like _____?

movie theatre 電影院

g.=general 普及類
r.=restrict 限制級(禁演)

p.g.=parental guidance 父母指導級
p.g.-13=parental guidance age 13 13 歲以下需要父母指導級

n.c.=no children 少兒不宜
action movie/ kung fu 功夫片

war movie 戰(zhàn)爭片
documentary 記錄片

biographical movie 傳記片
science fiction movie 科幻片

instruction film 教學片
sad movie/ tearjerker 讓人哭的電影

psycho movie 心理分析片
thriller 懸念片

adventure film 驚險片
cartoon movie 卡通片

animated movie 動畫片
affectional film 言情片

literary film 文藝片
feature film 故事片

silent film 無聲電影
tragedy 悲劇

comedy 喜劇

who’s playing at the _______?
who’s in it?

what times are the performances?
why don’t we watch _______instead?

i’d rather watch_______.
what film have you seen recently?

when did you see it?

shop assistant 售貨員
counter 柜臺

corner shop 街角小店
general store 綜合商店

stall 貨攤

booth 有蓬的流動商店
kiosk 報亭,公用電話亭

boutique 時裝精品小店
bazaar 市場,集市

precinct 購物區(qū)

shopping mall 購物中心
department stores 百貨商店

free parking lot 免費停車場
dime store/ five and ten廉價商店

general store 雜貨店
mail-order store 郵購商店

auction 拍賣
bid 喊價,投票,機會,試圖

i am looking for ________?

do you have anything on sale?
i’d like to have a ______.

would you please show me _______over there?
do you have ______?

how much is ______?
how about that ______?


生活場景 旅行咨詢:


travel agency 旅行社

coach 經(jīng)濟倉

make a reservation 預定

book the ticket 預定票

confirm a reservation 確定定位

cancel one’s reservation 取消定位

first come, first reservation 先到先服務原則

timetable 時刻表

fare 票價

saver ticket 優(yōu)惠票

toll 通行費

airport tax 機場稅

open ticket 開放機票

duty-free shop 免稅店

one-way ticket 單程票

round-trip ticket 往返票

vacant seat 空座

excess change 超重

direct/ non-stop flight 直達航班

connecting-flight 轉(zhuǎn)機

layover/ stopover 中途停留

check in 辦理登記手續(xù)

passport 護照

visa 簽證

credit card 信用證

driving license 駕照

expire (信用卡,護照)過期

destination 目的地

flight number 航班號

take off 起飛

land 降落

motel 汽車旅館

hostel 青年旅館

e.t.d (estimated time of arrival) 預計起飛時間

e.t.a (estimated time of departure) 預計抵達時間


i’d like to book _______.

i’d like to order _______.

i’d like to _____.

what hours are you open _______?

what time do you open/ close _______?

生活場景 飲食場景


restaurant 餐館

dining-hall 餐廳

canteen 食堂

buffet 自助餐

café 小餐館(無酒水)

cafeteria(self-service) 自助餐廳

pub 酒吧

a la carte (按菜單)逐道點菜

regular dinner 套餐

drive-in 路邊餐廳(免下車)

bakery 面包店

pizzeria 比薩餅店

snack bar 小吃店

tavern 客棧

picnic (郊游)野餐

banquet 宴會

feast 盛宴

spread 大餐,酒席


alcohol 酒精飲料

beer 啤酒

beverage 飲料

brandy 白蘭地

cider 蘋果汁,蘋果酒

cock tail 雞尾酒

coffee 咖啡

liquor (烈)酒

mineral water 礦泉水

lager 淡啤酒

lemonade 檸檬汁

soda/ tonic 蘇打水

whisky 威士忌

wine 葡萄酒

aperitif 開胃酒

strong drink 酒的總稱


bacon 熏肉

barbecue 烤肉宴

beef 牛肉

crab 螃蟹

fillet 肉片

fowl 禽肉

grease 動物油脂

ham 后腿

jerry 肉凍

lamb 小羊肉

lard 豬油

lobster 龍蝦

mince 肉末

mutton 羊肉

pork 豬肉

poultry 家禽

roast 烤肉

sausage 香腸

slice 肉的薄片

squid 魷魚

veal 小牛肉

venison 鹿肉

bacon 熏豬肉

tripe 牛肚

trout 鱒魚

halibut 大比目魚

salmon 鮭魚

catfish 鯰魚

carp 鯉魚

haddock 黑紅鱈魚

pike 梭子魚

cod 鱈魚

eel 鰻魚

herring 鯡魚

mackerel 鯖魚

shark 鯊魚


aubergine 茄子

cabbage 包心菜

cauliflower 花椰菜

celery 芹菜

leek 韭菜

lettuce 萵苣,生菜

marmalade 柑橘

mushroom 蘑菇

onion 洋蔥

potato 土豆

spinach 菠菜

tomato 西紅柿

turnip 蘿卜

cucumber 黃瓜

lentil 扁豆

pea 豌豆

radish 小蘿卜

beetroot 甜菜


appetizer 開胃小吃

refreshments 茶點,小吃

dinner 正餐

salad 沙拉

desert 甜點

tea or coffee 茶或咖啡

yogurt 酸奶

wafer 威化餅

vinegar 醋

spice 香料

pepper 辣椒粉,胡椒的

curry 咖喱

condiment (辛辣)調(diào)味料

icing 糖衣

toast 烤面包

syrup 糖汁

sweet 甜食

confectionery 甜食

candy 糖果

toffee 脫脂糖(太妃糖)

soup 湯

consommé 清湯

broth (骨頭)濃湯

leftovers 剩飯,剩菜

skimmed milk 脫脂牛奶

sandwich 三明治

roughage 纖維食品

pudding 布丁

pizza 比薩餅

pie 餡餅

oatmeal 麥片(粥)

milk shake 奶昔

bun 小圓面包

loaf (長條)面包

jam 果醬

marmalade 柑橘果醬

ice-lolly 冰棒

hot dog 熱狗

honey 蜜

hamburger 漢堡包

foodstuff 糧食,食品

flour 面粉

dumpling 餃子

dough (生)面團

diet 日常飲食

staple 主食

cream 油脂,奶油

butter 黃油

margarine 人造奶油

chip/ french fries (炸)薯條

cookie 曲奇餅

biscuit 餅干


cutlery 餐具

ladle 長柄勺

knife 刀

fork **

spoon 勺匙

teaspoon 茶匙


are you ready for order?

may i take your order?

what would you like to _____?

would you like anything _____?

a pizza barber is a hamburger with tomato sauce and cheese.

is made with tomato sauce and cheese.

it ‘s a little spicy.

not too spicy.

very spicy.

it’s very good. you’ll like it very much

生活場景 租房場景


home stay 住在當?shù)鼐用窦抑?

dormitory 大學宿舍

flat 公寓

hostel 青年公寓

landlady 房東太太

landlord 房東

surroundings 環(huán)境

single room 單人間

double room 雙人間

rent 租金


(un)furnished (不)配備家具的

furniture 家具

fitting 裝置,家具

suite (一套)家具

furnish 布置

fit up 裝備

decorate 裝飾,布置

ornament 裝飾,美化

armchair 配齊,裝備

bookcase 書架

cupboard 碗櫥

bureau 寫字臺

bench 長椅

settle 長椅

stool 凳子

deckchair 折疊帆布長椅

high chair 高腳椅

couch 長沙發(fā)

settee 中小型沙發(fā)

divan 木制軟墊長椅

bedstead 床架

hammock 吊床

chest of drawers 五斗櫥

bureau (臥室內(nèi))有抽屜的柜子

sideboard 餐具柜

cabinet 酒柜


facilities 設施

bathroom 衛(wèi)生間

shower 淋浴

kitchen 廚房

air-conditional 有空調(diào)的

heater 加熱器

central heating 中央暖氣系統(tǒng)

refrigerator 電冰箱

microwave oven 微波爐

balcony 陽臺

attic room 頂樓,閣樓


towel 毛巾

mattress 床墊

mat 地席,墊子


blanket 毯子

rug 小地毯

carpet 地毯

quilt 被子

bedspread 床罩

sheet 床單

pillow 枕頭

pillowcase 枕頭套

bolster 長枕套

bed line 被單和枕套

mat 席子

mattress 床墊

curtain 窗簾,簾子

drape 窗簾

drapery 有褶子的布料。窗簾布料

hangings 門簾,帷幕

wallpaper 壁紙,墻紙

canopy 頂棚,天棚

awning (窗/門上的)遮蓬

shutters 百葉窗


utensil 器皿,用具

ashtray 煙灰缸

bedside-lamp 床頭燈

bowl 碗

comb 梳子

french windows 落地燈

kettle 水壺

mirror 鏡子

radiator 取暖電爐

safety-razor 安全剃刀

scale 磅秤

toothbrush 牙刷


what’s the rent?

how much is _______?

how much does ______ cost?

rent costs approximately ______.

the average water bill is _______.

two people need at least ______ for ______.

is there a _______? are there any ______?

dose it have a (any)_______?

how many _______ are there?

when can i _______?

how about monday?

why don’t you come on _____?

can i see _______ this week?

生活場景 看病就醫(yī)


symptoms 病癥

have a cold 感冒

flu 流感

have a cough 咳嗽

have a sore throat 嗓子痛

have a stomachache 胃痛

have a toothache 牙痛

have a fever 發(fā)燒

have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通

pneumonia 肺炎

liver trouble 肝炎

allergy 過敏

feel dizzy 頭暈

stiff 僵硬的

twisted/ sprained 扭傷的

twinge 刺痛

sneeze 打噴嚏

hiccup 打嗝

vomit 嘔吐

sick 惡心

swelling 腫脹

―itis 。。。。的發(fā)炎

bump 腫塊

ulcer 潰瘍

cancer 癌,惡性腫瘤

birthmark 胎記

infect 傳染

cramp 痙攣

paralysis 麻痹,癱瘓,無能力


medication 藥物

pills 藥丸

tablet 藥片

ointment 藥膏

power 藥粉

drop 滴劑

mixture 合劑

syrup 糖漿

pad 藥棉塊

penicillin 盤尼西林(青霉素)

eye drops 眼藥

antibiotic 抗生素

vitamin 維他命(維生素)

aspirin 阿司匹林

non-drowsy 不使人困倦的


first aid 急救

therapy 療法

diagnosis 診斷

soothe 安慰,緩和,安慰

recover 復原,痊愈

recuperate 康復,恢復

see a doctor 看病

send for a doctor 請醫(yī)生

feel one’s pulse 量脈搏

take one’s blood pressure 量血壓

take one’s temperature 量體溫

give a prescription/ prescribe a medicine/ write out a prescription 開藥

make up a prescription 配藥

take medicine/ take pills 吃藥

get an injection/ have an injection/ receive an injection 打針

operation 外科手術

transplant 移植手術

have an operation 動手術

be operated on …for… 開刀

have an inoculation against smallpox 大天花疫苗

dose 給。。。服藥

dress 包扎

bandage 扎上繃帶


have you had any pains in your chest recently?

yes, i have.. in fact i had ______ last week.

have you had a bad cough recently?

yeah, i had a terrible _______ the other day.

have you had the flu recently?

yes, i’ve had many ________ the past few weeks.

have you ever had a broken _______?

yes, i have. i broken my arm once when i was 12.

have you ever had broken your ________?

yes. when i was 12, i fell down and broken my arm.

how often do you ________?

every day.

once in a while.

almost never.


sars-severe acute respiratory syndrome

outbreak n.(疾病的)發(fā)作

early this year, there is massive outbreak in guangdong province.

epidemic n. 疫病流行

china is on top of epidemic.

pharmacy n.藥房

fatality n.死亡人數(shù)

underfunded a.資金不足的

infectious a.有傳染性的,易傳染的

communicable a.可傳染的

segregate v.隔

quarantine n.隔離


facial mask:口罩


sars affected area: sars 疫區(qū)

生活場景 愛好和消遣:


hobby 興趣愛好

taste 嗜好

be interested in/ have a taste for 對。。。有興趣

refined taste 高雅的品位

suit one’s taste 符合某人的嗜好

man of versatile tastes 興趣廣泛的人

stamp collecting 集郵

music appreciation 音樂欣賞

hunting 打獵

baseball 棒球

tennis 網(wǎng)球

soccer 足球

swimming 游泳

horse-race 賽馬

handicraft 手工藝

mahjong 麻將

surfing 沖浪

skiing 滑雪

hitch-hike 免費搭便車旅行

hiking 徒步旅行

bag-packer 背包(自助旅行)者

museum 博物館

art gallery 畫廊

souvenir 紀念品


what kind of ______do you like?

what’s your favorite _________?

do you like _____?


movie theatre 電影院

g.=general 普及類

r.=restrict 限制級(禁演)

p.g.=parental guidance 父母指導級

p.g.-13=parental guidance age 13 13 歲以下需要父母指導級

n.c.=no children 少兒不宜

action movie/ kung fu 功夫片

war movie 戰(zhàn)爭片

documentary 記錄片

biographical movie 傳記片

science fiction movie 科幻片

instruction film 教學片

sad movie/ tearjerker 讓人哭的電影

psycho movie 心理分析片

thriller 懸念片

adventure film 驚險片

cartoon movie 卡通片

animated movie 動畫片

affectional film 言情片

literary film 文藝片

feature film 故事片

silent film 無聲電影

tragedy 悲劇

comedy 喜劇


who’s playing at the _______?

who’s in it?

what times are the performances?

why don’t we watch _______instead?

i’d rather watch_______.

what film have you seen recently?

when did you see it?


shop assistant 售貨員

counter 柜臺

corner shop 街角小店

general store 綜合商店


stall 貨攤

booth 有蓬的流動商店

kiosk 報亭,公用電話亭

boutique 時裝精品小店

bazaar 市場,集市


precinct 購物區(qū)

shopping mall 購物中心

department stores 百貨商店

free parking lot 免費停車場

dime store/ five and ten廉價商店

general store 雜貨店

mail-order store 郵購商店

auction 拍賣

bid 喊價,投票,機會,試圖


i am looking for ________?

do you have anything on sale?

i’d like to have a ______.

would you please show me _______over there?

do you have ______?

how much is ______?

how about that ______?


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