小編:Hosea 589以下是2017年12月16日雅思口語考試回憶整理,希望對大家有所幫助?! ?/p>
Part 1考題總結
What's (the name of) your hometown (again)?
Is that a big city or a small place?
Please describe your hometown a little.
How long have you been living there?
Do you like your hometown?
(Possibly) Do you like living there? *
What do you like (most) about your hometown?
Is there anything you dislike about it?
Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
Can you describe the place where you live?
How long have you lived there?
Who do you live with?
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?
Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
Do you do housework at home?
Do you think men and women should share housework?
What kinds of housework do you dislike to do?
Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?
What work do you do?
Do you like your job?
Is it very interesting?
Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?
Will you continue doing this job in the future?
Do many people in your country choose to do that type of work/job?
What are your responsibilities at work?
Do you remember your first day at work?
What did you do on your first day at work?
Did you like your first day at work?
Do you think the first day at work is important?
How do you think young people change their jobs frequently?
Is there anything interesting recently in your workplace?
What subject(s) are you studying?
Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to study those subjects?
Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?)
Is it very interesting?
(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?
Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
Do you think the first day at university is important?
How important do you think it is for people to have an enjoyable first day at university (or, school)?
High School
Do you like your high school?
Which subject you like most and dislike?
Do you still contact with your friends in high school?
What is your high school like?
What happened on your first day of high school?
Do you like to spend time with teenagers?
Do you know anything about the kind of fashion that teenagers like?
What are the best things of being a teenager?
How do teenagers entertain themselves?
Do you like (to learn about) history?
What historical event do you find most interesting?
What historical event do you think was most important?
Do you think history is important?
Do you like to watch programs on tv about history?
How do you get information about history?
What kinds of teachers do you like best?
Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?
Would you want to be a teacher in the future?
Have you ever had bad teachers before?
Time management
How do you organize you time?
Do you think young people organize their time in the same way?
Are you ever late for anything?
What excuses do you use when you late?
(similar to above) What excuses do people have when are late?
Do you like it when others are late?
In your country, do people forgive others when they are late?
If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?
Part 2考題總結
1.Agood parent you know.
2.Athing that a wise person did
3.A person you know who knows a lot about something.
4.A piece of furniture.
6.A product you bought and felt happy.
7.An important invention which has changed our life.
9.An ideal home.
10.Asport game you’ve watched.