小編: 284雅思口語是雅思考試的重要組成部分,那么導致口語低分的原因有哪些?下面環(huán)球教育為您來分析下。
5分考生會這樣描述:He is too big, too fat.他塊頭很大,很胖。
6分考生會這樣描述:He is fat and overweight.他很胖,體重超常。
7分考生會這樣描述:He is seriously overweight, I mean, way beyond plump!他嚴重超重。我是說,他可不僅僅是偏胖。
8分考生會這樣描述:He has ballooned out to an incredible size. He’s so fat now he can scarcely walk.他像吹氣球似地胖了起來,塊頭大得嚇人,胖得幾乎都走不了路。
5分考生會這樣描述全球變暖帶來的威脅:Now the planet is getting global warming. The weather is not good.現在地球正在全球變暖,天氣不好。
6分考生會說:Global warming is a big problem. The ice is melting.全球變暖是個大問題。冰在融化。
7分考生會說:Global warming is causing significant climate change. For example, the glaciers are getting smaller and weather patterns are changing.全球變暖正導致明顯的氣候變化。例如,冰川正在變小,天氣類型正在改變。
8分考生會說:Global warming is a major threat. Glaciers are dwindling and potentially the sea level could rise and flood many coastal cities.全球變暖是一大威脅。冰川逐漸縮小,從而可能導致海平面上升,淹沒沿海城市。